!(Just Another Carousel)
Donec metus velit, pellentesque at sollicitudin at, pulvinar ac nunc. Ut feugiat dui nulla, eget sollicitudin nunc sodales vitae.
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Integer id lorem ac tortor malesuada semper. Donec convallis odio faucibus, faucibus justo ac, suscipit dui.
<link href="../location/carouzel.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src="../location/carouzel.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
aria-label="Carouzel Implementation"
<div data-carouzel-trackwrapper>
<div data-carouzel-trackmask>
<div data-carouzel-trackouter>
<div data-carouzel-track aria-live="polite">
aria-label="1 of 6"
aria-label="2 of 6"
aria-label="3 of 6"
aria-label="4 of 6"
aria-label="5 of 6"
aria-label="6 of 6"
<div data-carouzel-controlswrapper>
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
<path d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" fill="none" />
d="M15.41 7.41L14 6l-6 6 6 6 1.41-1.41L10.83 12l4.58-4.59z"
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
<path d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" fill="none" />
d="M10 6L8.59 7.41 13.17 12l-4.58 4.59L10 18l6-6-6-6z"
<div data-carouzel-pageinfo>
<em data-carouzel-currentpage></em> /
<em data-carouzel-totalpages></em>
<div data-carouzel-navigationwrapper>
<ul data-carouzel-navigation></ul>
var __carouzel_instance = Carouzel.Root.getInstance();
var __carouzel_options = {};
__carouzel_instance.init('#__carouzel_id', __carouzel_options);
carouzel | Main attribute to be added to the root element |
carouzel-auto | Attached to the root element along with `data-carouzel`. Takes the settings object as value and initializes the carouzel on window's `DOMContentLoaded` event. |
carouzel-rtl | Attached programmatically to the root element along with `data-carouzel`, when `isRtl` is true. |
carouzel-centered | Attached programmatically to the root element along with `data-carouzel`, when `centerBetween` is found to be greater than 0 in carouzel settings. |
carouzel-trackwrapper | Immediate child of `data-carouzel` root element. Contains the main track, and left/right arrows elements. |
carouzel-trackmask | Immediate child of `data-carouzel-trackwrapper` element. This acts as mask to hide the inactive/hidden slides on the track. |
carouzel-trackouter | Immediate child of `data-carouzel-trackmask` element. This gets the calculated width based on the number of active slides to be shown at once. |
carouzel-track | Immediate child of `data-carouzel-trackouter` element. This is the container which contains all slides as immediate children. This also gets transformed in X axis based on the scroll animation. |
carouzel-slide | Immediate child of `data-carouzel-track` element. This is the slide element. |
carouzel-title | Attaches along with `data-carouzel-slide`. Contains encoded HTML markup as value. This can be used to show on respective navigation dot if `useTitlesAsDots` is true and `slidesToShow` is 1. |
carouzel-controlswrapper | Immediate child of `data-carouzel-trackwrapper`. Contains arrows for left/right navigation. |
carouzel-previousarrow | Immediate child of `data-carouzel-controlswrapper`. Left arrow button. |
carouzel-nextarrow | Immediate child of `data-carouzel-controlswrapper`. Right arrow button. |
carouzel-play | Immediate child of `data-carouzel-controlswrapper`. Play button to control carouzel if `autoplay` is true. |
carouzel-pause | Immediate child of `data-carouzel-controlswrapper`. Pause button to control carouzel if `autoplay` is true. |
carouzel-pageinfo | Wrapper elemment for current page count and total page count |
carouzel-currentpage | Immediate child of `data-carouzel-pageinfo`. Elemment for current page count |
carouzel-totalpages | Immediate child of `data-carouzel-pageinfo`. Elemment for total page count |
carouzel-navigationwrapper | Immediate child of `data-carouzel-carouzel`. Contains list of navigation dots. |
carouzel-navigation | Immediate child of `data-carouzel-navigationwrapper`. Contains navigation dots list items. |
carouzel-dot | Immediate child of `data-carouzel-navigation`. This element, and the child button element is generated programmatically. |
carouzel-video | Immediate child of `data-carouzel-slide`. Helps in styling video elements/iframes/embeds. |
activeClass | string__carouzel-active |
The CSS class applied to the shown/active elements in carouzel, such as shown slides and navigation dots. | |
afterInitFn | function |
The event which can be fired after the carouzel is initialized. It takes a function as value. | |
afterScrollFn | function |
The event which can be fired after the carouzel is animated to next set of slides. It takes a function as value. | |
animationEffect |
scroll, slide, fade |
Type of animation effect. | |
animationSpeed | number500 |
Animation speed in milliseconds. | |
appendUrlHash | booleanfalse |
If `true`, carouzel tries to append the id attribute attached to the first active `data-carouzel-slide` to the window url, after the scroll happens. | |
autoplay | booleanfalse |
Toggles the autoplay feature of the carouzel. | |
autoplaySpeed | number5000 |
Autoplay speed in milliseconds. If autoplay is enabled, the carouzel automatically animates to next set after this number of milliseconds. | |
beforeInitFn | function |
The event which can be fired before the carouzel is initialized. It takes a function as value. | |
beforeScrollFn | function |
The event which can be fired before the carouzel is animated to next set of slides. It takes a function as value. | |
breakpoints | array |
Carouzel is `mobile-first` implementation. The default settings
are applied to all breakpoints, but as the following array is
populated, the mentioned settings are extended from the default
or configured options.[{ minWidth: number; The minimum device width at which the following settings need to be updated centerBetween: number; enableTouchSwipe: boolean; showArrows: boolean; showNavigation: boolean; slideGutter: number; slidesToScroll: number; slidesToShow: number; verticalHeight: number; }] |
centerBetween | number0 |
The number of slides which should show up on the left and right of the active slides. This number is divided in half to show up on both slides. | |
disabledClass | string__carouzel-disabled |
The CSS class applied to the disabled elements in carouzel, such as left and right arrows when there are no more scrollable slides. | |
dotIndexClass | string__carouzel-pageindex |
When the `useTitlesAsDots` is enabled, this CSS class is applied to the page number shown in the navigation dot. | |
dotTitleClass | string__carouzel-pagetitle |
When the `useTitlesAsDots` is enabled, this CSS class is applied to the page title shown in the navigation dot. | |
duplicateClass | string__carouzel-duplicate |
The CSS class is applied to the duplicate slides element created for infinite scroll implementation. | |
easingFunction |
linear, easeInQuad, easeOutQuad, easeInOutQuad, easeInCubic, easeOutCubic, easeInOutCubic, easeInQuart, easeOutQuart, easeInOutQuart, easeInQuint, easeOutQuint, easeInOutQuint |
The easing function used for animation effect. | |
editModeClass | string__carouzel-editmode |
This class can be used for custom CSS when the carouzel is displayed in certain CMS (like Adobe AEM) edit mode. | |
enableKeyboard | booleantrue |
If `false`, keyboard arrow events are not attached to the carouzel. | |
enableTouchSwipe | booleantrue |
If `false`, touch swipe events are not attached to the carouzel. | |
hiddenClass | string__carouzel-hidden |
This CSS class is used to hide the elements (like navigation or arrows) in certain breakpoint, works along with `showArrows` and `showNavigation` | |
idPrefix | string__carouzel |
If the id attribute is not assigned to the root element, this string can be used to generate and assign a random id attribute to the root element. | |
isInfinite | booleantrue |
If the id attribute is not assigned to the root element, this string can be used to generate and assign a random id attribute to the root element. | |
isRtl | booleanfalse |
If `true`, the right-to-left implementation is enabled. | |
isVertical | booleanfalse |
If `true`, the carouzel layout will be changed from horizontal to vertical. | |
nextDirectionClass | string__carouzel-next |
This css class is attached to the root element while it is scrolled to the next set of slides. | |
pauseOnHover | booleantrue |
If `autoplay` is enabled, it can be paused when cursor is hovered on it. This behavior can be disabled by making this setting `false`. | |
previousDirectionClass | string__carouzel-previous |
This css class is attached to the root element while it is scrolled to the previous set of slides. | |
showArrows | booleantrue |
If `false`, the arrows are not shown in certain or all breakpoints. | |
showNavigation | booleantrue |
If `false`, the navigation dots are not shown in certain or all breakpoints. | |
slideGutter | number0 |
The gutter space between slides in certain or all breakpoints. | |
slidesToScroll | number1 |
The number of slides to scroll at once in certain or all breakpoints. | |
slidesToShow | number1 |
The number of slides to show at once in certain or all breakpoints. | |
startAtIndex | number1 |
The slide index which should be the first one to show. | |
syncWith | string |
The id of the carouzel slider which needs to be synced with. If specified in settings of the both carouzels, both will work in sync. | |
touchThreshold | number125 |
The distance in pixels between the start and end of the touch/cursor drag. | |
trackUrlHash | booleanfalse |
If `true`, the carouzel will try to read the hash parameter from the url and automatically scroll to the respective slide having the hash as its id. | |
useTitlesAsDots | booleanfalse |
If `true`, the carouzel will read `data-carouzel-title` attribute and put it as markup in respective navigation dot. It works only when `slidesToShow` is 1. | |
verticalHeight | number480 |
The height in pixels for the vertical carouzel. This is required for vertical layout implementation. |
init |
Initializes the instance
goToSlide |
getLength |
Gets the number of carouzel instances on the page
destroy |
Destroys the instance